Friday 20 November 2009

Cain and Charity

Oh dear - so she is going after his money - but has a change of heart but it is too late as he has already found her out. I love these two together but I also love them apart! LOL

Friday 13 November 2009


So is Cain falling for Charity's charms - of course he is! So will she or won't she run off with the money - I hope he is two steps ahead as I would hate to see him penniless again. P.s. I would just like to say as I had a comment about the fact that I thought it was RIDICULOUS that Cain and Faye would ever be together - NOPE THEY WOULD NOT - I still stand by that!


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Wife & Mother. Author of four books (one jointly written), hundreds of stories and always working on more. Constantly in the 'writing/thinking of ideas zone' and living in a reality that is not my own!