Monday 31 August 2009


Last week was hillarious on Emmerdale with Val hiding out in the B and B and then when Eric flew off to Australia to get her and she had to catch up with him. They really are a couple made for each other and I love the comedy.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Heathers baby's dad

Well apparently all is going to be revealed over the next few months - I still think the culprit is Phil Mitchell. So we will just have to wait and see if I am right or not.

Sunday 23 August 2009


O.k. I have to say that my new soap man is John Barton in Emmerdale. I think the family is really cool, it is nice to have a good looking couple, who don't seem to want to stray and are quite happy with each other and he is not violent etc etc - and the kids seem nice but lets just see what happens though as they have only just arrived and will probably turn out to be a family of axe murderers or something.

Wednesday 12 August 2009


So Zainab is going to be expecting another little bundle of joy soon. Now that geek boy is off to uni she was going to go travelling but then finds out she is preggers. I think its quite nice that they are having an older lady shocked to find out she is pregnant rather than the usual teenager.

Friday 7 August 2009


Yes I know I write alot of blogs about Cain but - well he needs alot of blog time I feel. I really enjoyed the episode last night with Nicola giving birth, she looked so evil and it was hysterical when she head butted Jimmy. Jimmy is so cute, his facial expressions make me laugh so much. For the first time I actually felt myself genuinly liking Nicola, dont know how long that will last though. Cain, mmm, Cain Dingle looked magnificent kicking that door in - you could tell thats not the first time he's had to do that, how exciting!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Nicola & Jimmy

Ok I have sort of come round to Jimmy and Nicola. I do like Jimmy, he is so cute and definately in need of mothering and yet he pics all these horrid women who are mean to him, definately a pattern there I think! He needs someone really cute to mother him but I have to say I kind of like him and Nicola together now and I think there will be lots of comedy now they have a baby.


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Wife & Mother. Author of four books (one jointly written), hundreds of stories and always working on more. Constantly in the 'writing/thinking of ideas zone' and living in a reality that is not my own!