Tuesday 29 December 2009


Who did it - I am hoping it is someone completely unobvious like Bradley or Stacy - someone even suggested Ben!

Saturday 19 December 2009

Who will kill Archie

Well who will kill Archie - I just don't care to be honest! The only exciting thing is I have heard rumours it will be Grant Mitchell - so if he's coming back the storyline will be worth it. It is so funny as Archie does that weird thing with his eyes to look evil (I personally think he looks like he's about to fall asleep). Have to say though I love him as Mick in Gavin and Stacy.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Sick and tired

Like many people I am so sick and tired of the Ashley and Sally storyline. Its stupid as I know they were only acting but because I know that Laurel is pregnant in real life I didnt like the fact that Ashley was getting rough with her when they were arguing the other day lol

Friday 20 November 2009

Cain and Charity

Oh dear - so she is going after his money - but has a change of heart but it is too late as he has already found her out. I love these two together but I also love them apart! LOL

Friday 13 November 2009


So is Cain falling for Charity's charms - of course he is! So will she or won't she run off with the money - I hope he is two steps ahead as I would hate to see him penniless again. P.s. I would just like to say as I had a comment about the fact that I thought it was RIDICULOUS that Cain and Faye would ever be together - NOPE THEY WOULD NOT - I still stand by that!

Saturday 24 October 2009

Everyones Talking About It

Ok - everyone else is talking about it so I may as well too. I thought the moment when Heather was talking to George about Paddington Bear was so cute. Up until a few days ago I was convinced the father was going to be Phil (although for Heather that would of been a complete disaster as he would be vile to her) and then I kind of guessed it was going to be Darren but I don't know, I just don't find it believeable. Is that just me? Don't get me wrong they are both so sweet but its just the age thing I can't get round.

Wednesday 14 October 2009


For once I am not talking about Cain - well the poor guy needs a break lol. No I am talking about Sally/Laurel/Ashley ridiculous story line - I abs hate it. I have read that Sally is going to end up setting fire to the vicarage (I think) and Laurel will be trapped inside. How very Eastenders! Usually Ashley is the very sensible one but again, oh yes again, they have changed the character and he is blind.

Saturday 10 October 2009


Yes I am talking about Cain again! I really enjoyed last weeks Emmerdale with the whole cain/charity/debbie/michael story. Just had to put that on here - as always Cain did not disappoint.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Faye & Cain, Debbie & Michael

Ridiculous - is the word I want to use. I'm sorry but Faye would not be interested in Cain and he would not be interested in her. They don't even look right together. I like the women who plays her as an actress but the character Faye - I mean just what is the point of her?

Debbie and Michael thing is equally as ridiculous - its another case of changing a character - Debbie would never be interested in playing second fiddle!

Friday 4 September 2009

Cain & Nathan

Now I do not particularly like Nathan, but for some reason when Cain was crushing his crown jewels and making him cry I did feel a certain attraction to him! Cain was magnificent of course lol.

Monday 31 August 2009


Last week was hillarious on Emmerdale with Val hiding out in the B and B and then when Eric flew off to Australia to get her and she had to catch up with him. They really are a couple made for each other and I love the comedy.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Heathers baby's dad

Well apparently all is going to be revealed over the next few months - I still think the culprit is Phil Mitchell. So we will just have to wait and see if I am right or not.

Sunday 23 August 2009


O.k. I have to say that my new soap man is John Barton in Emmerdale. I think the family is really cool, it is nice to have a good looking couple, who don't seem to want to stray and are quite happy with each other and he is not violent etc etc - and the kids seem nice but lets just see what happens though as they have only just arrived and will probably turn out to be a family of axe murderers or something.

Wednesday 12 August 2009


So Zainab is going to be expecting another little bundle of joy soon. Now that geek boy is off to uni she was going to go travelling but then finds out she is preggers. I think its quite nice that they are having an older lady shocked to find out she is pregnant rather than the usual teenager.

Friday 7 August 2009


Yes I know I write alot of blogs about Cain but - well he needs alot of blog time I feel. I really enjoyed the episode last night with Nicola giving birth, she looked so evil and it was hysterical when she head butted Jimmy. Jimmy is so cute, his facial expressions make me laugh so much. For the first time I actually felt myself genuinly liking Nicola, dont know how long that will last though. Cain, mmm, Cain Dingle looked magnificent kicking that door in - you could tell thats not the first time he's had to do that, how exciting!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Nicola & Jimmy

Ok I have sort of come round to Jimmy and Nicola. I do like Jimmy, he is so cute and definately in need of mothering and yet he pics all these horrid women who are mean to him, definately a pattern there I think! He needs someone really cute to mother him but I have to say I kind of like him and Nicola together now and I think there will be lots of comedy now they have a baby.

Friday 17 July 2009

Matthew & Katie

As I have said before I really wanted Matthew King to get together with Katie, I really thought that was the way it was headed before he got together with Anna. I did like Anna as she was lovely too, its a shame her character had to leave.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Sean Slater

I have mixed feelings about Sean Slater - gorgous, sexy - nutter! I actually really liked him until he tied up and beat up Gus - poor little defenceless Gus - I totally went off Sean after that.

Monday 13 July 2009

Anna Karen

I am addicted to On The Buses so I absolutely love Anna Karen as Olive, these days of course she is better known as Aunt Sal in Enders. I do not like her character in this, although I must admit when she was having a go at Peggy during the Archie times she was very funny.

Thursday 9 July 2009


So who is the stranger who has been following Whitney - I reckon it could be a family member? Brother maybe? ..........

Enders Archie

Well I have a theory - we will see if I am right. I am thinking wouldn't it be funny if Phil turned out to be Archie's son? It could be right as Archie is Eric's brother and Peggy idolised Archie right back when her and eric first met so.......

Tuesday 7 July 2009


I thought it was brilliant when Bianca came back to Enders. I thought the really nice thing though was that she had named her daughter after Tiffany, I was so glad they did that - obviously because I am a major Tiffany Mitchell fan, but it was nice that her best friend would do that.

Monday 6 July 2009

Lexi & Nicola Emmerdale

I feel so sorry for Lexi losing her baby. Its very ironic that she really wanted to be a mum and yet Nicola who didn't kept hers but I guess it just wasnt meant to be.

Saturday 4 July 2009


I wonder what will happen with Sayed, Christian, Amira? Who knows. Hope its not too much like the Simon & Tony storyline. I think Amira is very pretty and I really like the character as she is very funny too.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Christian, Christian, Christian

I have to say - he is gorgeous! Particularly in his vests with those bulging muscles - phwoar!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Heather - Yummy Mummy

I was shocked to read in my soap mag that when Heather's so called best friend Shirley finds out she is pregnant she thinks she should either have a termination or put baby up for adoption! I am appalled as I think Heather is going to make such a lovely mummy - look how she is with Ben. She is going to be brilliant bless her, she is so cute and she will be utterly utterly crazy. Brilliant.

Sunday 28 June 2009

Enders - MJ

How cool was it Friday when Denise mentioned about Michael Jackson - good on eastenders for putting it in in the last minute.

Friday 26 June 2009

Larry Lamb

I love Larry Lamb, I think he is brilliant. Brilliant Actor - so much so that when I am watching him in Gavin and Stacy I never think of him as Archie!

Wednesday 24 June 2009


Desperately wanting Grant to come back to Enders - who could be his new love interest? I still loved it when Grant and Jane slept together, they were well suited but think she is good for Ian. Even though I would love him to come back to Enders he is doing some fantastic documentaries.

Monday 22 June 2009


I used to love the D1-Marco's - particularly Gianni and Beppe - Obviously. Even though I loved Tiff with Beppe as he was lovely to her and was the boyfriend she deserved I still only wanted her to be with Grant. I used to think Teresa was really pretty and loved it when her and Gianni argued.


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Wife & Mother. Author of four books (one jointly written), hundreds of stories and always working on more. Constantly in the 'writing/thinking of ideas zone' and living in a reality that is not my own!