Tuesday 2 June 2009


Me and my friend were discussing today about how the writers change characters to suit storylines - we are fed up with it. We know characters very well and take them to our hearts and then were expected to believe suddenly they change - totally - like Andy Sugden for example - I hate what they have turned him into, I used to think he was a decent enough bloke, troubled kid/teen maybe but deep down he meant well, I cannot see he would have turned into what he has and I hate him. We were today discussing about Stella and Phil - there is no way Phil would ever even go out with someone like Stella let alone contemplate marrying her. Its ridiculous, look at his past girlfriends/wives - all stunners and yet then he goes and pics Stella - she probably would not have looked twice at someone like him either as he would be far too rough for her. That is my opinion anyway.

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Wife & Mother. Author of four books (one jointly written), hundreds of stories and always working on more. Constantly in the 'writing/thinking of ideas zone' and living in a reality that is not my own!